The practitioner is required to score the predictive or non-predictive concerns in the appropriate column.Ĥ. The PEDS Score Form identifies those concerns that predict problems when raised at a particular time in a child’s development. PEDS Score Form is completed by the practitioner. Parents may complete this questionnaire at home, in the waiting room or in consultation with their practitioner.ģ. PEDS Response Form is a 10-item questionnaire completed by the parents as the first step in the PEDS assessment. Make sure you have a copy available whenever you administer PEDS.Ģ. Note: It is not possible to correctly administer PEDS without referring frequently to the Brief Administration and Scoring Guide. This free downloadable booklet also includes detailed information about the use of the various PEDS forms, case study examples and statistical data related to the detection of developmental concerns. PEDS Brief Administration and Scoring Guide provides clear step-by-step instructions on administering PEDS.
PEDS is a simple, 10-item questionnaire that is completed by the parent. Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status, or PEDS, is an evidence based screening tool that elicits and addresses parental concerns about children’s development, health and wellbeing.